Saturday, February 24, 2018

God's intimacy for you!

Very early in my salvation I was able to "see" things in the Spirit of the Lord - in the Spiritual realm also known as the “Prophetic”.

I didn't know the Word of God for myself; therefore I didn't know that it was a Gift of God - straight from Heaven (Ephesians Chapter 1).

I had then and still do have the ability to "see" through the eyes of Heaven‼

I did share this with a "few" people in leadership and was told that it was NOT of God‼

At that time I wasn't strong enough in God's Word to know the truth on the subject. Nor did I know WHO I was IN Christ Jesus or the power and authority in which I had been given when I was born again. I didn’t know I had been "made" BRAND NEW - IN Jesus Christ!

Oh goodness, I spent too many years hiding that gift of God upon me. I now release these messages to people and tell them – “God has given me a message for you from Heaven and it is yours and not mine – and here it is”.
It is sooooooooooooo beautiful beyond words to see Heaven stir their hearts through the amazing power of God’s love through Prophecy!

In 2006, I pursued God and His Word like I had NEVER BEFORE‼

I sought God in prayer and fasting and in His Word - literally day and night . . . an average of 10 hours or more a day‼

I would stay up in the night - and often not sleep to seek God in His Word. I had to know God! I had to see Him in a way that wasn’t bound in tradition of man or a particular religion! I knew I was messed up in the lens in which I was seeing God in – BUT I didn’t know what or how!  BUT – I did know that something was just not right.

I wouldn't read any other books or listen to people's testimonies in television programs like GOD TV or Daystar Television because at that time - I had been told the ONLY Bible I could read was a certain one and it was the ONLY one. And if I read anything besides that specific one - then God would likely "take" my family from me. And anyone on TV were Antichrist and they were “modern” and were “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.

I even believed it for most of my life UNTIL I sought God on my own starting in 2006.

Fear of a wrathful and schizophrenia God is what I served.  I seriously didn't know that heart of God.  I didn't!  I was so bound in religion of man and what I had been told.

I remember I used to pray for God to NOT hurt my family because of my personal shortcomings! I had no idea about "Grace" and the unconditional Love of God.

I share this because I want you to understand the state of bondage that I was in.

I am sharing because you "might" very well be fighting such a similar fight of religious and gripping spirit NOT OF GOD inside of you!

I am not sharing this so you have pity on me! I am NOT a victim! I AM an OVERCOMER!

I am sharing this as a testimony of Faith of the Glorious Grace and Love of God!

You, see God had extended the very SAME Grace and Love to me on that 18th day of April, 2006 - as He did all the years before that time!

He hadn't changed - I did! My heart had changed.

I believe by studying His Word myself and getting Him and His TRUTH - His Word - inside of me . . .  allowed my spirit to believe by Faith to RECEIVE Him. It allowed my Faith to arise to believe Him - to take His FREE gift of acceptance.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God,
And the Word was God.

Romans 10:17 says –
So Faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the Word of God.

Notice it doesn't say Faith comes by being "broke, busted and disgusted".

Unfortunately some believe that - and early in my salvation as crazy as it sounds - I did too. Craziness I know!! 

But God!

God never gave up on me - and he will NEVER give up on you!

So, I say to you - push through and read God's Word!

Push through and speak God's Word out Loud so your Faith will come!

Remember Romans 10:17?  
"So Faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the Word of God".

So, if Faith comes by "hearing" God's Word - shouldn't God's Word be "said" out loud? Yes! You must "hear" God's Word so your Faith can be stirred!

Again, I say to you - "PUSH THROUGH"!

Don't back down from seeking and SAYING and believing God in His Word!  

Seek God in His Spirit of the very TRUTH - for it IS the very thing that WILL set you FREE!

Push through the resistance!  

Push through!

ALL Heaven is cheering you on!  God wants you FREE in and with Him!  Galatians 5:1 is one of my favorite scriptures and tells us to:

Stand fast therefore in the 
liberty wherewith Christ hath
made us free, and be not 
entangled again with the yoke 
of bondage.

That message - that God would "take" my family from me" - is NOT biblically founded!  That thought process is NOT freedom in Jesus Christ and His unconditional Love and Grace!  It WAS NOT OF GOD!

In the past 12 years of seeking God on purpose, I've NEVER found evidence Biblically of that message in the New Covenant of God's Word!

So, let's go back to 2006. I recall times that studying the Bible felt so backward!  I would read something over and over and over and over and over and NOT be able to tell you what I read!  It felt like there was such a block! 

Freedom was coming and I didn't know it. The saying - "you don't know what you don't know" was where I was.

Well, now I know that all hell didn't want me to "get" how much God LOVED and ADORED me! I DID NOT know that at the time!

But this one thing I DID know - that . . . I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I had made up my mind! 

I had made up my mind to find out about God for myself! 

The POWER of a MADE UP MIND is all you need! If you at least have that – then you ARE well on your way to FREEDOM IN JESUS CHRIST!  Keep going!

Did you know that when you make up your mind - you are BELIEVING for something?  You are believing – you are in faith for whatever you’ve made up your mind for.

If you will make up your mind for God – if you are BELIEVING that you will NOT stay where you are in relationship with God – then you WILL NOT stay in bondage! 

YOU WON'T!  And, I didn't! 

Ten months into seeking God's face through prayer and His Word - I received one of the greatest HUGS from HEAVEN!

His Word began to literally rise up in my Spirit so powerfully that my life AND my family’s life have been transformed!

It was April 18, 2006! I was in my closest weeping and sobbing at the GLORIOUS LOVE OF GOD UPON ME!

It was dripping off of me . . . in tears (and snot too) in the most beautiful "release" I had ever experienced! And a really, really “ugly cry” of happiness!

I remember thinking "God LOVES me"!  

"God really, really, really LOVES me"!


God also spoke to my Spirit and said - "you will write a book and call it "Transformation" and many, thousands will be set free. You will bring healing to my people"!

I recall where I was standing at that life-changing moment!
I remember thinking - "Oh, God, do you know how messed up I really am?"

Ha ha!!

Oh what an AMAZING FATHER, God we have!

So, let's get back to the statement in the photo in this article . . .

"The point of the prophetic is not to wow people with accuracy but to woo people with intimacy".

God is an intimate God!

The word "intimate" means - closely acquainted, familiar, close, dear, cherished, devoted, a very close friend, faithful, familiar, best friend, confidant, close friend.

He is your best friend!

You are dear to Him.

He is devoted to you.

He is faithful to you.

He is your confidant.

He is trustworthy.

He gave His best for you because you are His BEST creation made in His image!
Do you believe God loves you and adores you enough to speak to someone on your behalf to give you a message of encouragement from Him?

Do you believe that He would seek to woo you with His intimacy - with His devoted Love for you?

Do you believe that the God of all creation would seek to Love you in an unprecedented way that THE ONLY way another person could know THAT thing about you would be "from God"?

Go study Acts 10 and see a testimony of such.

Go ask ones in the grocery store that the Lord has given me a "Word" for.

Go ask the young man in Texas that I saw across the room and Heaven's Love eliminated him to me with a Word of Love and acceptance from God!

Go ask the little boy in the orphanage in Africa that had been rejected from the people of the land because of a circumstance in his childhood.

Would God CALL me all the way to Africa to give Him a message from Heaven of God’s Love and Grace and acceptance of this young boy?

Yessss!  Yessss!  Yessss!  Yessss!

Yes, God would - and He DOES!

The message is to speak to you that God Loves and adores you and HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH!

He LOVES you intimately enough to SAY to another one of His kids - "give them this message from Me and tell them how special they are to Me"!

That's my God!  And I hope that's your God! 

The gift of prophecy is from God and He has anointed me with it. And unlike what I was told early in my salvation - it is a gift from God and it is part of my God DNA that He gave me.

It is Godly and it is biblical.

And it IS God's intimate Love to His children straight from Heaven‼

Sunday, February 11, 2018

This Valentine's Day . . .

Recently I've received a revelation from the Holy Spirit - and it began with this question . . . 

 "What if you were NEVER meant to be 'there' in the first place"?


What if what you are fighting against - you were NEVER meant to be fighting against in the first place?

What if what you are fighting against - the blood of Jesus Christ has already redeemed you from?

Galatians 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith 

Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled 

again with the yoke of bondage.

Sitting in my living room up late "unfollowing" a ton of toxic people in social media at 4 am in the morning; these questions are popping up into my spirit.

Recently, even before today - I have been either "blocking" or "unfollowing" toxic people in the Arena of my social media. I have felt an urge from the Holy Spirit to clean out my space and in a sense - "declutter" to make room for "good reports" and to close the door and block any "bad reports" - reports of unbelief.

Can you handle some "real talk"?

This "decluttering" has been a process of an on-purpose effort for a couple of months now - the choice and the faith to walk out in removing toxic things and people from my space.

Today in Matthew 6 my Niece and I learned about "our eyes being a gate to our heart". So if that is so - and if I believe God's Word - then, why would I allow my gate to be infiltrated with others toxic vomit - their unbelief in my Lord Jesus Christ?

You might respond with - "Wow, Wanda, isn't that a little harsh"?

I would say - "No! It isn't"! NOT AT ALL!

Am I not valuable enough to trust God and that He is leading me into even a more GREATER realm of FREEDOM? How could I honestly believe that I have arrived and I know everything there is to know about the unconditional Love and Grace of Jesus Christ?

And . . . if I gained the whole world BUT lost myself in it - what would I truly "have"?

Let me propose you this . . . Do you realize that what we tolerate in our space - and what we 'see' with our eyes will reproduce?

Matthew 6:22-23

22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. 

If therefore your eye is good, your 

whole body will be full of light.

23 But if your eye is bad, your whole 

body will be full of darkness. 

If therefore the light that is in you is 

darkness, how great is that darkness!

Are your eyes seeing LIGHT?  Or are they seeing darkness?

Do you want a dark spirit of unbelief to reproduce in your life?

Or do you want a spirit of LIGHT of Faith to be released inside of you and to be ignited and empowered to explode in the LOVE and LIGHT and acceptance of Jesus Christ?

Do you want a dark spirit of grumbling and a dark spirit of discontent to reproduce in your life?

Or do you want the spirit of LIGHT to be encouraged in you to believe all the more the Hope and the Victory and the Faith to believe above and beyond all that you could hope or imagine in and with Jesus Christ?

How about this . . .  Do you want a dark spirit of manipulation and witchcraft to walk into you because you've continually and repetitively allowed the door to be opened for it to come in your life?

Or would you rather simply close that door and "choose" to take responsibility for who and what you allow to speak into your life?

Listen, we get to choose what we allow in our lives‼️

I do!

You do!

They don't!

1 John 4:4 -5

4 You are of God, little children, and have 

overcome them, because He who is in you 

is greater than he who is in the world.                                    

5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak

as of the world, and the world hears them.

Therefore, I'll not give you the opportunity to take from me what Heaven has breathed into me!

It's taken a lot of prayer and boldness to reach this level of Love for myself.

This Valentines Day I ask you to LOVE yourself‼️

I pray you CHOOSE to Love yourself to the point that you are completely FULL of God's JOY even if it's spending the entire Valentine's Day by yourself.  And, if NOT one person truly offered you the Love that Jesus Christ intended for you to be adorned in - that you wouldn't be saddened or moved from your JOY.  And that you would simply bask in God's conditional Love and Grace . . . with just you and Him. 

I'm 47 years young!

All Heaven as fought for this girl‼️

And I've fought to believe and receive every ounce of Love that Jesus Christ has created in me‼️

I've face planted time and time again because I didn't believe that I deserved that level of respect - that level of Love‼️

I've grown now and I'm believing all the more how beautiful and victorious that Love is‼️

And, I ask myself the question that the Holy Spirit asked me a couple weeks back when thoughts of inadequacy wanted to creep into my self talk . . . 

 "Why would I ask you to                                                        

 tolerate something from                                                           

 which I have set you free"?

I weaped as I "had" allowed a Spirit NOT OF GOD to lie to me that - "if I just be in their space and tolerate them, then hopefully they can see the love of Jesus Christ".


So is that a thought from Light - Jesus Christ?  

NO!  No it isn't.

And honestly being their punching bag or their vomit bucket isn't what is going to set them free.

Proverbs 22:24-25

24 Make no friendship with an angry man, 

And with a furious man do not go,                                                  

25 Lest you learn his ways                                                  

And set a snare for your soul.


Proverbs 22:24-25 directs us to NOT be in the space of an "angry man".  "Man" means "of mankind species" - and if we do then it will set a snare on our soul!

So, if being around and befriending an angry and hardened heart is contagious and would set a snare on us - wouldn't that be an assignment of darkness?  Wouldn't that be an assignment of the enemy?  Would he be the one that would want us going around in bondage "in order to set someone else free"?


That thought that I was having was from the pit of hell in order to set a snare on me.

But the Holy Spirit spoke to me to set me FREE!  And to "not be entangled again" like Galatians 5:1 guides us!

John 10:10 tells us that we have an enemy and his goal is to steal and to kill and to destroy. And then at the end of that verse - we learn what God has done for us! He gave us victory over the enemy!

John 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy
I have come that they may have life,
and that they may have it more abundantly.

We weren't created to be "wimps for Jesus Christ" - we were created to be "Warriors for Jesus Christ" living THE ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus Christ (already) gave us on the Cross‼️🔥

And we were created to be FREE!

And personally I believe when born again Children of God rise up and walk in the VICTORIOUS and POWERFUL FREEDOM OF boldness in which we were created . . . the world, THEN, will want to be a part of us - and "be like" us.

I am not talking about walking around with a chip on our shoulder and walking in a spirit of offense.

But I am talking about walking around with the condidence and  boldness and FREEDOM  of Jesus Christ and TO "know":                        


WHO we ARE, 



WHAT we can DO 

through the Love and the POWER and the AUTHORITY of our "God DNA" in which we have been MADE when we made Jesus Christ our Lord‼️✝️

So, I challenge you this Valentine's Day - LOVE yourself like Jesus Christ does‼️

And rise up in that "security" and that "confidence" and that "boldness" and that "FREEDOM" that your Heavenly Savior, Lord Jesus Christ has ALREADY given you through His unconditional LOVE and GRACE on the Cross‼️❤

This Valentine's Day - be free‼️

This Valentine's Day - don't "need" them to 

dictate your value‼️

This Valentine's Day - YOU ARE ENOUGH‼️️


Friday, February 9, 2018

Joining up!

Yesterday both Big Mama and Hallaluyah had an awesome lesson.

I am yet to train Hallaluyah in the round pen as to protect her baby joints and 99% of the time - train her in an open field with no rope, halter or whip as aids.

She is ridiculously intelligent and so very, very sassy and a little ram rod that thinks she knows it all. 

But yesterday's training with her was FANTASTIC‼️

She was beautifully attentive, respectful and super willing while  using the thinking side of her brain. It was awesome‼️

Big Mama's lesson yesterday was just as beautiful.

She, too, was as attentive and willing. She trusted me and was quick to respond and peaceful.

It was a kind of day that you think for only a hot minute - "Wow, I'm pretty good! I should train horses for a living!"

Ha ha‼️

But TODAY . . .

Well, I'm sure you already have in your mind what I'm about to tell you‼️

Today, Hallaluyah was a ram rod‼️  She was not interested in being obedient and as a matter of fact at one point she pinned her ears at me as a response to me asking her to engage in her rear end. Which by the way she has a very nice one!

What?  You pinning your ears little Miss Sassy Pants?

Uhhhh, I don't think so❗️ Well, she learned that there is only one alpha Mare on this farm - and it's not her.

Although, I left her session making sure that we both had a clear and peaceful understanding that "pinning ears" is never an option as a response.

She truly is one of the most intelligent horses that I have ever trained - thus ALSO making her the most challenging. She is learning body control and respect on the ground knowing her space is never allowed to cross over into mine.

Lunging is NEVER, never, never implemented on her. It breaks my heart to see draft or draft crosses trained aggressively at this age; therefore, I am on purpose about protecting her joints and tendons. She does weigh 1,500 lbs and is 16.1 and is only 20 months old. Protecting those joints from taking a pounding now will assure her a long and healthy body for life.  . . . okay rabbit trail there!

Get this - she will grow until she is 8 years old‼️ How crazy is that. It is so fun watching her mature and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she will be one of the most amazing Clydesdale x Friesian Sporthorse crosses. 

Sooooo . . .

Today I moved Big Mama's lesson from the round pen (a small 50 ft. confined area) to our yard (a 1 acre - less confined area).

Yep, you guessed it - her lesson was similar to Hallaluyah's.

Big Mama has gone through a lot of trauma before she came here. I recently contacted each of her 7 owners and got some of her story. My goal in her healing is to train her without restraint. Funny thing - she doesn't like the freedom. How crazy is that? Honestly, I don't think she was taught - that she could think. If you tie her up tight or get firm with her - she's like "okay"!  I want her to freely be in unity with me and use her brain. 

Oh, goodness!  It is a slow process!  Slow for sure - but honestly wonderful to watch her grow.

Soooooo, today's lesson looked like this. She had no halter or lead rope on - which is usually how I train.  She was able to leave me or stay with me. She was in our yard which is about an acre.  The goal was to repeat the same lesson in a bigger area - that she has been successfully doing - in a small area.

It was a whole new world!

She left me several times!  That in horse language means - "I don't see you as my leader and I am not respecting you or trusting you".

Mark was out messing with the weanlings calves and said - "Big Mama's sure not listening to you very good is she"?

Ha ha!

"Why, no, Mark she isn't. Thanks for noticing"!

She did end up joining up with me and working beautifully - but NOT without all her snorting and blowing and fussing. She joined up and relaxed and peacefully trusted me and obeyed.

This evening reflecting on both Hallaluyah and Big Mama's training sessions - I saw a parallel picture of our walk with the Lord❗️

Why do some days seem like it is easier to trust the Lord and 'join up' with Him in a trustworthy and faithful way?

And why when I asked Big Mama to do the exact same thing that she 'had already been doing' in a small area - but to do it in a larger less confined area - did she spaz out in fear?  She knows the safest and most Peaceful place to be is 'with me'.

Or does she?

Was she fearing me?  Or was she fearing the freedom? Or was she looking at her surroundings that felt threatening -  INSTEAD of remembering that I am her leader, I am trustworthy. And I am her 'safe place'.

You ever wonder 'WHY' - when you 'try' your own way in life without trusting God and then you spaz out in fear because things get all out of control and scary?

WHY would we choose our own way and not obey where and how the Lord was prompting us?

And, how many times when our surroundings - our circumstances - get wonky that we look at that in fear MORE than we look at God and His Promises and His Word and His Truth and His GRACE - OVER trusting the message that our surroundings want to scream at us?

Just as Big Mama and Hallaluyah's lessons demonstrate today - the BEST answer is to 'join up' with me - their loving leader!

Their leader that loves them and wants to teach them that they are absolutely positively AMAZING‼️ 

And that they are BRILLIANT and that they can TRUST ME‼️

And although Hallaluyah comes from the mindset of 'a baby' and is just learning.

And Big Mama's thought process comes from that of abuse and pain.

They both can and ARE learning that I am not out to hurt them. And I love them. And I want them to have a life that allows them to be the BEST that they were created!

Doesn't our Savior want that for us?  Isn't the BEST answer to 'join up" with Him - our loving leader?  Our leader that loves us and wants to teach us that we are absolutely positively AMAZING . . . with Him and in Him! And that we are BRILLIANT and that we can TRUST HIM?

Weather we are a baby Christian or a seasoned one that has been hurt and abused; either way God is asking us to 'join up' with Him and to trust Him.

He is asking us to allow Him to show us just how victorious we can 'be' in Him.

And that the safest and BEST place to be is 'with Him'!