Monday, October 28, 2013

Hey ya'll,

Come visit us on Facebook at "I am One Life Coaching" and also "friend" me at "Wanda Blurton Eastwood".  I post and encourage there often!

I will be "blogging" more!  I hear you!  Okay, so kick me in the toe! 

Love ya'll so much! 

Remember this one thing:

                                                          You ARE who God says you ARE!

                                                          You can DO what Christ says you can DO!

                                                          You HAVE what Christ says you HAVE!!

Stand boldly and shout from the rooftops . . .

                                                         "i am One . . . who has been miraculously, significantly
                                                      and purposefully created and God loves me unconditionally
                                                                                       and i am enough!!"