Friday, September 13, 2013


Back when we used to show horses we would rotate and change them from pasture to pasture; constantly changing their “environment”.   We would also rotate their pasture “buddies” making sure to never follow a pattern neither to which horses were where nor with the same pasture buddy.
The reason for this was to keep our beautifully large and amazingly smart friend from getting more dependent on its pasture mate and surroundings than on us; to keep them dependent upon us, their leader and master, for guidance and direction. 
We learned this little trick from an old timer that had years of experience in raising and showing on a national level.  Not only did it keep them more dependent on us but when it was time to compete and show they were less apt to be herd bound.  Herd bound in a horse would be the same as separation anxiety in people.  They become more focused on their “friends” than they do life.  Since horses were originally wild; their fight or flight instincts kick in and they begin believing they are going to die.  But just like people, you can train their brain how to think.  When you teach them at a young age, that they are not dependent upon their “friends” but dependent upon you, then this is not an issue.

My spirit was stirred tonight that that same concept could be used as a demonstration of our relationship with Christ. Can WE get too dependent on our “buddies” and “environment” and forget to trust and look to Him?  Do the same ol’ thing with the same ol’ people on the same day, sitting in the same pew, taking the same route to work; well you get the picture.
I can say – my answer used to be yes; but never again. 
Just as the young foals, I am living proof that we can train our brain how to think.  When God delivered me out of the bondage of perfectionism, works and victim mindset; I like a horse, thought I was going to die.  We had moved to a new town and I was NOT happy.  I was depressed, sad, mad and nothing was familiar; new house, new grocery store, new Wal Mart, new post office, new school, etc.  God had rotated my “pasture” and my “pasture buddies” and I thought I was going to die!
Once I turned to Him and stopped focusing on my “environment” and “buddies” He began a mighty work in me!  A miraculous work!  A beautiful work! A work of abundant Grace and Hope and Love!  God showed up in a way I had never before experienced!
I learned how to trust Him.  I learned how to Believe and Receive His Love and Grace!  He showed me the power of speaking His Word. Thru the Word of God I now know who I am in Christ!  I know I can DO what He says I can do.  I HAVE what He says I can have.  And I AM who He says I am.
My life was transformed into consistent Joy and Peace!   Oh Praise the Lord!  Thank You Jesus!
I will never go back to that old pasture!  Nor will I ever depend on my “pasture buddies”  for life.  I will never live a life of roller coaster emotions dependent upon my circumstances! 
My passion is that you, too, have the same kind of Joy and Peace in the Lord!
i am One . . . whom Christ went to the Cross to set FREE!   And so are you!!
Wanda  = )