Think about this . . .
Do you find yourself constantly criticizing yourself with conversations like - "is it bad . . . "
"I know but . . ."
Or, do you see that you think on what you don't have MORE than what you DO have

If so, keep reading

A revelation I have received because I have fought this same incorrect thought process, too, is this

Are my thoughts on the face and heart of Jesus, God, my Savior and what ALL He has blessed me with and given me through Him

Or . . .
Is my thinking on what I "need"

This is a thought process that will revolutionize our walk with God . . .
. . . thinking on Him and who we ARE in Him and what He has given us and what we can DO through Him

If I'm thinking on what I don't have - it brings me to an ungrateful heart and easily besets me and grieves the Holy Spirit BECAUSE I am doubting.
Unbelief sets in and takes residence and tells me I am not enough and wants to disfigure the hope I have in and through Jesus

Faith comes by "hearing" and "hearing" by the Word of God - says Romans 10:17.
Sooooo . . .
Am I "hearing" myself "say" God's Word

Or am I hearing what all I don't have and what I "need" and what I am constantly "waiting" on God for

When I focus on God and His unconditional Love and Grace for me so strongly and purposefully - it is THEN that I will look up - and recognize that my circumstances will have changed

BECAUSE my "focus" changed

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he . . .
Proverbs 23:7
Proverbs 23:7
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