Meet Eugene from Hope Children's Home, Homa Bay, Africa.
He is 15 years old!!
He wants to be a Banker!
He will be a Banker!
His schooling for this term was just sponsored by an amazing Woman and Man of God!
We are grateful for Eugene's opportunity to go to school and receive his education! Check out his good grades!!! He's awesome!!!
Would you consider sponsoring one of our children???
You have 38 to choose from!
Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD . . .
When I visited Hope Children's Home, I saw how - even at 15 years old - Eugene helped take care of the other children . . . helping with laundry, tucking the boys in bed at night and bedtime prayers, monitoring the security gate into the Home, helping pray over and bless the children, going into the market to purchase things for the Home - what a Warrior he is!
When I was there in February - he had not, yet, been sponsored for this Semester's education.
It was to be $400.
I remember sitting in the hallway of the girl's home telling him "to believe it and receive it by Faith"!
We discussed Mark 11:22 - 25 and that God's Word cannot return void - Isaiah 55:11!
And that in Mark 11:24 the Word tells us "believe we receive WHEN WE PRAY"!
That next week - HE WAS SPONSORED!
Praise God!
I believe in Eugene!
His Sponsor believes in him!!
God believes in him!
One last testimony about Eugene . . .
On the last day I was in Homa Bay - it was very early in the morning to leave for Nairobi to catch my flight.
I had already told everyone at the Home "goodbye" the day before as there would not have been time to do so before heading to Nairobi (6 1/2 hours drive).
As we drove through town headed to Nairobi we stopped at - what I thought - the store to get bottled water.
I look out the side window and "there is Eugene"!!!!!!!
He had walked in to town from Hope Children's Home to "hug me goodbye one MORE time"!
Oh, my heart melted! I sobbed tears of JOY!!
As Eugene hugged me he said . . . "Mom, Wanda, telling you goodbye is the hardest thing I've ever done"!
"You will always be my mom!"
Ooooooohhhh, Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
God bless Eugene!
For real folks???
Every day - they FIGHT for their lives! They fight for clean water and food!
And he's telling me this is the hardest thing he's ever done?
Folks, you have an opportunity to make these children's lives BETTER!!!
Will you join us??
Take it from me . . . YOU will be blessed MORE than you COULD ever imagine by becoming a part of such a BIGGER vision than your own personal life!!
We are One!
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither slave nor free,
there is niether male nor female;
for you are all One in Christ Jesus.