A born-again "Believer" becomes brand new through the Blood
of Jesus!
(2 Cor 5:17)
(Gal 6:4-15)
Jesus Christ brought Grace on the Cross FOR YOU!
His experiences - became yours through Faith. Through Believing! That's being born again.
If you are born again but yet, "choose" to constantly walk in
and focus on what you "do" or "don't do" - then that is not "Receiving" what
Jesus ALREADY did for you on the Cross . . .
It's bondage of "self".
It's religion. And it's NOT
living free!
(Gal 5:1)
Receiving Jesus Christ and knowing what Jesus ALREADY did for you on
the Cross - Believing, Receiving, talking about, thinking on, grateful for and
walking in that total and complete redemptive Blood of Jesus Christ - leads to Love, Peace, Joy and Freedom of ALL
condemnation and shame.
Jesus came to Save! And not
(John 3:16-17)
JESUS CHRIST brought Grace and conquered the law! If that were not true then Jesus Christ died
in vain.
(Gal 2:23)
If that statement makes irritation and a "fight" want to rise
up inside of you . . . then you have not yet "received" your complete
FREEDOM! You don't receive Grace and His
unconditional Love. You are bound by
Oh, yes, you may very well be saved . . .
But most definitely you are not yet living that life of "Freedom
in Jesus Christ" that Jesus paid for by His Blood.
Paul told the "Believers" in Galatia . . .
Galatians 1:6
"I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called
you in THE GRACE OF CHRIST, to a different gospel."
Stop fighting it today and Receive it by Faith right now!
"How do you know,
Wanda", you ask.
Because I once was saved but bound by this very thing . . .
"Self". "Religion". "Works".
But NOW!!!!!
And I pray you will be too!
Confess your freedom today:
"i am One . . . who Christ lives in! I Receive the Love and Grace
of Jesus Christ! I am Loved
unconditionally! Jesus Christ gave His
life for me and I am FREE"!
Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the Faith of
the Son of God, who Loved me, and gave Himself for me.