The more I grow in the Lord the more I've learned to guard myself from other's opinions. Although they may be a Believer in Christ too and may have good intentions - when we hear and listen to the Lord - GREATER is received.
For many months I did not have a spirit of Peace about a particular situation. I couldn't actually put words to "what" it was. I just knew there wasn't Peace with pursuing further into the opportunity. It seemed different than "fear" - just unsettling and disturbing and bothersome in my spirit. I had some conversations with a few of my mentors and still could not target the issue.
I "released" it to the Lord and made the decision to rest in the fact that "God's got it" and I don't need to try to micro-manage God and His GREATNESS!
As a Believer in Christ when we get "saved" and "born again" we become as Christ (remember in scripture where it says the old man moves out and the new one moves in). Our spirits "know" things before our mind and our mouth can call it out.
During this time there were some people in my circle of influence that struggled with my decision to not pursue this particular opportunity. At times the pressure was actually pretty intense.
I would, again, get in the Word (study, speak and believe) and rest in what I believed I was hearing from God. I refused to become anxious because doing so releases fear and fear (obviously) is the opposite of Faith. There would be times that it was an "on purpose" effort to remain in Faith and rebuke frustration.
I recall a prayer one day . . .
"Lord, I believe I'm hearing you say 'no' and if this is not You, then knock me out with Your direction and will for me in this".
Some times I get a profound Word! Often times it's plain, clear and loud. This was not one of those times. There was just Peace in my "no". So I stood and waited.
Actually, I released it to the point that I would forget about it. Every now and then someone would bring it up and I would remind them "I just don't have Peace about it".
So, against many other's opinions. I did not move forward and I waited . . . for a year!
Well let me tell you. It was just revealed how much the Lord PROTECTED me in this situation and why!!
Hallelujah!! PRAISE God!! Thank You Jesus!! Glory! Glory!
He protected me spiritually! Emotionally! Physically! And financially!
I'm Praising Him! I'm thanking Him! And I'm sharing this testimony with you to encourage you to hang on!! If God is telling you "no" or "wait" or "not yet" -
it's because He Loves you. He is protecting you! TRUST Him! Wait for Him. He has greater things for you.
He is NOT punishing you! He is PROTECTING you! He has GREATER for you!
Galatians 1:10
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
When pressure comes and the Peace of God is not in you; stand strongly and confidently and proclaim . . .
"i am One . . . who hears the voice of the Lord and I trust Him and His divine timing and GREATER in my life"!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
I say "yes"! I hope you do too. =)
I Love the way the Lord speaks to us. He is real!
He is alive! We can choose to Believe and “hear” Him.
Today, was a revelation of “hearing” Him . . .
This morning, around 6:30 a.m., as I was sitting in the
passenger seat of our car; I was gazing out the side window. It was dark outside but a few houses were lit
by the early risers of the day.
My prayers began . . . “God Bless the people in these houses. Bless the children. Bless the mothers. Bless the husbands. Bless the hurting. Bless the Sick. God protect the babies and children from
wrong doings and God I pray healing over these homes and marriages and people”!
We passed one house that was particularly close to the road
and I could see, thru the slightly stained-glass window, someone’s silhouette
of what looked like – a girl standing in front of the bathroom mirror fixing
her hair. My heart was instantly drawn
to the understanding of how much hurt can come from a home. Much hurt and heartache can come from an
abusive home. Abuse in homes has no socioeconomic
boundaries; lies, sexual abuse, broken promises, illegal substance abuse, shame,
guilt, physical abuse, etc.
God began to reveal to me that not only can I pray and speak
and believe protection over them but I also can be the hands and feet and mouthpiece
of Him! His Love! His Life!
His Light! His Hope! His Peace!
His Restoration! His Beauty from
ashes! His Deliverance! His Promises!
His Freedom! His Joy! His Grace!
His Mercy! His Forgiveness!
I again was reminded that:
We are WHO Christ
says we are!
We can DO what Christ
says we can do!
We HAVE what Christ
says we have!
I was also reminded of the anthem God gave me to stand in the
face of fear and crazy and circumstances and declare my victory:
“I am One . . .
who has been significantly, miraculously and purposefully created
and God Loves me unconditionally and I am enough”!!
A sprit of encouragement began to rise up in me! The Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart
and encourage me to walk in my calling; to continue to study and speak the Word
of God not only over my life but those around me. It is the One Truth that we can stand
upon. There is no greater power than the
Love of Christ! It conquers all!!
This Beautiful message of Victory is for you! It’s for me!
It’s for the girl in the window this morning. It’s for our neighbors. It’s for our spouse. It’s for our children. It’s for the black. It’s for the white. It’s for the girl. It’s for the boy. It’s for our President. It’s for our Nation. It’s for the World.
We are the mouthpiece!
Will we go?
Will we be the kind word someone hears today?
Will we be the extended hand of Jesus that they see?
Will we Love even the not so loveable?
Will we edify and encourage those around us?
Will we be Light in which we were created?
Will we share the message of salvation to the lost?
As I arrived home, I opened the attached daily devotion as
was in awww of the divine timing:
Thank you Jesus!
This divine message today was delivered for not only me, but
I Believe it to be for you too! Let’s
say Yes! Let’s stand proud in the “victory
pose” with arms outstretched, head back and face pressed to the Heaven’s and
shout from the rooftops:
“Thank you Jesus that
i am One . . .
of Yours
and I say Yes”!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Hey ya'll,
Come visit us on Facebook at "I am One Life Coaching" and also "friend" me at "Wanda Blurton Eastwood". I post and encourage there often!
I will be "blogging" more! I hear you! Okay, so kick me in the toe!
Love ya'll so much!
Remember this one thing:
You ARE who God says you ARE!
You can DO what Christ says you can DO!
You HAVE what Christ says you HAVE!!
Stand boldly and shout from the rooftops . . .
"i am One . . . who has been miraculously, significantly
and purposefully created and God loves me unconditionally
and i am enough!!"
Come visit us on Facebook at "I am One Life Coaching" and also "friend" me at "Wanda Blurton Eastwood". I post and encourage there often!
I will be "blogging" more! I hear you! Okay, so kick me in the toe!
Love ya'll so much!
Remember this one thing:
You ARE who God says you ARE!
You can DO what Christ says you can DO!
You HAVE what Christ says you HAVE!!
Stand boldly and shout from the rooftops . . .
"i am One . . . who has been miraculously, significantly
and purposefully created and God loves me unconditionally
and i am enough!!"
Friday, September 13, 2013
Back when we used to show horses we would rotate and change
them from pasture to pasture; constantly changing their “environment”. We would also rotate their pasture “buddies”
making sure to never follow a pattern neither to which horses were where nor with
the same pasture buddy.
The reason for this was to keep our beautifully large and
amazingly smart friend from getting more dependent on its pasture mate and
surroundings than on us; to keep them dependent upon us, their leader and
master, for guidance and direction.
We learned this little trick from an old timer that had
years of experience in raising and showing on a national level. Not only did it keep them more dependent on
us but when it was time to compete and show they were less apt to be herd bound.
Herd bound in a horse would be the same
as separation anxiety in people. They
become more focused on their “friends” than they do life. Since horses were originally wild; their
fight or flight instincts kick in and they begin believing they are going to
die. But just like people, you can train
their brain how to think. When you teach
them at a young age, that they are not dependent upon their “friends” but
dependent upon you, then this is not an issue.
My spirit was stirred tonight that that same concept
could be used as a demonstration of our relationship with Christ. Can WE get too
dependent on our “buddies” and “environment” and forget to trust and look to Him? Do the same ol’ thing with the same ol’
people on the same day, sitting in the same pew, taking the same route to work;
well you get the picture.
I can say – my answer used to be yes; but never again.
Just as the young foals, I am living proof that we can
train our brain how to think. When God
delivered me out of the bondage of perfectionism, works and victim mindset; I
like a horse, thought I was going to die.
We had moved to a new town and I was NOT happy. I was depressed, sad, mad and nothing was familiar;
new house, new grocery store, new Wal Mart, new post office, new school, etc. God had rotated my “pasture” and my “pasture
buddies” and I thought I was going to die!
Once I turned to Him and stopped focusing on my “environment”
and “buddies” He began a mighty work in me!
A miraculous work! A beautiful
work! A work of abundant Grace and Hope and Love! God showed up in a way I had never before experienced!
I learned how to trust Him.
I learned how to Believe and Receive His Love and Grace! He showed me the power of speaking His Word. Thru
the Word of God I now know who I am in Christ!
I know I can DO what He says I can do.
I HAVE what He says I can have.
And I AM who He says I am.
My life was transformed into consistent Joy and Peace! Oh
Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus!
I will never go back to that old pasture! Nor will I ever depend on my “pasture buddies” for life.
I will never live a life of roller coaster emotions dependent upon my
My passion is that you, too, have the same kind of Joy and
Peace in the Lord!
i am One . . . whom Christ went to the Cross to set FREE! And so are you!!
Wanda = )
Friday, August 30, 2013
So, on the evening of Friday, August 23, 2013, God opened a
door that is beyond my imagination. I’ll
share details when I can. But rest
assured that the Holy Spirit knew that morning that “sumpin good was happnin”! Go read the blog from that morning to refresh your mind of that date's blog.
You Jesus for your Blessings! =)
Today what is on my heart is the lives of the most mightily
used people in the bible. God used lives
of regular people and, in them, performed extraordinary examples of
forgiveness, restoration, deliverance, love, light and life. Take Paul in Galations . . .
It doesn’t matter what we’ve done – We have been forgiven
thru Christ’s Grace (Gal 1:4)! When we believe and receive God's salvation - our life is never the same.
Paul was
saved and called by God and not man (Gal 1:1). Paul once persecuted God’s people but after he
met Christ – He preached the Good news of Christ (Gal 1:12). Paul reflects that not only are we saved and
called of God but we should only seek to please God – and not man (Gal 1:10).
After salvation and the life of freedom in Christ, others
may want to drag us back into bondage.
We see in Gal 2:4 this happened to Paul.
So, let us use Paul as a guide into our own lives.
Personally, this speaks volume to me:
1. We have been redeemed, thru Christ, of the old
life of bondage and set free. God’s
Grace thru our faith. Christ on the
Cross and not of our works (or lack of works).
2. We are delivered to share the good news of
Christ. Walking in our calling and
keeping our Faith in Christ allows Love and good news to shine in our lives. Others
see God’s manifestation in us. We are
His vessel. His greatness shines thru
I’m also encouraged with the following scriptures to go
along with this message:
2 Cor 5:17 - We
are new in Christ. Old things are passed
away, all things become new.
I John 4:17 - As
Christ is, so are we! He is the “I am” and he is the “One”.
I John 4:4 - We
are of God and have overcome. Greater are
we because Christ is in us!
Oh shall we live our lives VICTORIOUSLY in Christ! TODAY – we have been forgiven! TODAY is new!
TODAY shall we reflect the life of Paul and STAND in who we are in
Christ and rebuke the desires of man upon our lives.
Shall we stand with our arms outstretch with our head reared
back and shout from the rooftops . . .
“i am One . . .
who has been
miraculously, significantly and purposefully
created; and God
loves me unconditionally!
And that, my friends,
Blessings to you all!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 23, 2013
In Great Anticipation
Today as soon as my eyes "popped" open - my heart leaped in anticipation of God's manifestation - TODAY!
There is something GREAT happening today. I know it down to my bones.
This morning I was asked by a friend "what are you doing"?
She was referring to my current season of life; living in unspeakable joy and excitement for life.
My reply was, "I'm speaking and believing God's Word - His Promises and Blessings and choosing to walk in my God-given authority".
I will share a bit what that statement means . . .
At 10 years old I was miraculously saved. I remember looking down at my toes to see if they were "lit up" because it felt like electricity was running throughout my body. Oh what a beautiful day! I was saved!
From that moment on - the enemy tried to lie to me and defeat me and magnify all things in my life that would reflect lack, defeat, shame, guilt and that I was "never enough" nor "would I ever be".
At 35 years old my life drastically began being transformed. I began learning that those were all lies of the enemy. I began learning the POWER of God's Word - Speaking it, believing it and trusting in it. I learned that scripture teaches us that we have the power to speak "life" or death (Proverbs 18:21). And that we were created for greatness and abundance in Him!
Once I began to learn, thru God's Word, that He loves us soooooooooooooooooooo much! He adores us! He's not mad at us! He calls us friend. He calls us daughters. He calls us sons. He desires relationship with us. He has chosen us. Hallalujiah! We are enough. We are more than enough - thru Christ. Actually, we are MORE than conquerors (Romans 8:37). So if we're MORE than conquerors - I do believe that is more than enough.
Since 2006 my life has been miraculously transformed. A life of sadness, wondering, bondage, depression - roller coaster of ups and downs - is now a VICTORIOUS and stable life of pure unspeakable Joy!!
Thru this blog I'll share stories of that transformed journey and the joyous and pivotal journey that God's currently got me on.
You will laugh; I am a hoot! I'll get some "real" on ya. My daughter says I have "slap- happy humor". Whatever that means. We WILL have a good time! We WILL laugh. God says a merry heart is good like medicine (Proverbs 17:22).
And you will cry. I believe thru sharing my journey OUT of a bondage spirit that you will connect and be set free as well. We often think that we're the only ones going thru our junk and don't realize we are ALL challenged and have adversities and witness circumstances that are not fair. Thru God's Word we learn how to STAND and remain in JOY in FAITH and thru the adversity His Glory is shown.
So, back to the spirit of expectation this morning; may you be encouraged! May you be inspired! May your choices today reflect great expectations of blessings from the Lord. Receive ALL that Jesus paid for on the Cross. It's yours! Believe and receive it.
I am currently Coaching several people who are coming out of the darkness in which I referred early. My calling is to help you, mentor you, join you, teach you - how God brought be out of a bondage and dark life into walking into the the greatness and light in which He created us all.
Lets speak some Word and Promises of God's truth into our lives today. The Word cannot return void and he is not respecter of persons. What? What does that mean? It means when we speak and "believe" God's Word by faith - then we receive it (Mark 11:22- 26). God is not respecter of persons. That means what He does for one - He'll do for another. He doesn't love one more than another and He doesn't see us as a white female or male or a black female or male (Galatians 3:28). Notice in His Word the words "all", "whosoever", "whomever", etc.
You may be like "I ain't ever heard of such a thing"! "That sounds crazy". My response would be "What kind of life are you experiencing"? "Is it a life of abundance and restoration, pure joy and peace and life and love and light"? If not, then I say try it! I thought it was a little "wacky" at first too. But I can testify that since 2006 many chains of bondage and defeat and lack have been broken! Oh Hallelujah I say! Glory to God! Or "Yeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwww" as we say in the country.
Some scriptures of encouragement today . . .
Proverbs 25:11
I John 1:7
Romans 6:14
John 1:17
Titus 3:5
Hebrews 13:6
Romans 4:17
I John 2:27
I John 3:1
I'll post soon about what happened today! Whatever it is; I am most encouraged and confident that it is M I R A C U L O U S !!
i am One . . . who has great expectaions of God's greatness on this great day!
I hope you do too.
Hugs, Love and Prayers,
Wanda <3
There is something GREAT happening today. I know it down to my bones.
This morning I was asked by a friend "what are you doing"?
She was referring to my current season of life; living in unspeakable joy and excitement for life.
My reply was, "I'm speaking and believing God's Word - His Promises and Blessings and choosing to walk in my God-given authority".
I will share a bit what that statement means . . .
At 10 years old I was miraculously saved. I remember looking down at my toes to see if they were "lit up" because it felt like electricity was running throughout my body. Oh what a beautiful day! I was saved!
From that moment on - the enemy tried to lie to me and defeat me and magnify all things in my life that would reflect lack, defeat, shame, guilt and that I was "never enough" nor "would I ever be".
At 35 years old my life drastically began being transformed. I began learning that those were all lies of the enemy. I began learning the POWER of God's Word - Speaking it, believing it and trusting in it. I learned that scripture teaches us that we have the power to speak "life" or death (Proverbs 18:21). And that we were created for greatness and abundance in Him!
Once I began to learn, thru God's Word, that He loves us soooooooooooooooooooo much! He adores us! He's not mad at us! He calls us friend. He calls us daughters. He calls us sons. He desires relationship with us. He has chosen us. Hallalujiah! We are enough. We are more than enough - thru Christ. Actually, we are MORE than conquerors (Romans 8:37). So if we're MORE than conquerors - I do believe that is more than enough.
Since 2006 my life has been miraculously transformed. A life of sadness, wondering, bondage, depression - roller coaster of ups and downs - is now a VICTORIOUS and stable life of pure unspeakable Joy!!
Thru this blog I'll share stories of that transformed journey and the joyous and pivotal journey that God's currently got me on.
You will laugh; I am a hoot! I'll get some "real" on ya. My daughter says I have "slap- happy humor". Whatever that means. We WILL have a good time! We WILL laugh. God says a merry heart is good like medicine (Proverbs 17:22).
And you will cry. I believe thru sharing my journey OUT of a bondage spirit that you will connect and be set free as well. We often think that we're the only ones going thru our junk and don't realize we are ALL challenged and have adversities and witness circumstances that are not fair. Thru God's Word we learn how to STAND and remain in JOY in FAITH and thru the adversity His Glory is shown.
So, back to the spirit of expectation this morning; may you be encouraged! May you be inspired! May your choices today reflect great expectations of blessings from the Lord. Receive ALL that Jesus paid for on the Cross. It's yours! Believe and receive it.
I am currently Coaching several people who are coming out of the darkness in which I referred early. My calling is to help you, mentor you, join you, teach you - how God brought be out of a bondage and dark life into walking into the the greatness and light in which He created us all.
Lets speak some Word and Promises of God's truth into our lives today. The Word cannot return void and he is not respecter of persons. What? What does that mean? It means when we speak and "believe" God's Word by faith - then we receive it (Mark 11:22- 26). God is not respecter of persons. That means what He does for one - He'll do for another. He doesn't love one more than another and He doesn't see us as a white female or male or a black female or male (Galatians 3:28). Notice in His Word the words "all", "whosoever", "whomever", etc.
You may be like "I ain't ever heard of such a thing"! "That sounds crazy". My response would be "What kind of life are you experiencing"? "Is it a life of abundance and restoration, pure joy and peace and life and love and light"? If not, then I say try it! I thought it was a little "wacky" at first too. But I can testify that since 2006 many chains of bondage and defeat and lack have been broken! Oh Hallelujah I say! Glory to God! Or "Yeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwww" as we say in the country.
Some scriptures of encouragement today . . .
Proverbs 25:11
I John 1:7
Romans 6:14
John 1:17
Titus 3:5
Hebrews 13:6
Romans 4:17
I John 2:27
I John 3:1
I'll post soon about what happened today! Whatever it is; I am most encouraged and confident that it is M I R A C U L O U S !!
i am One . . . who has great expectaions of God's greatness on this great day!
I hope you do too.
Hugs, Love and Prayers,
Wanda <3
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Yay! We're blogging now . . . =)
Good evening friends and family,
So, here we are. Finally a blog. I have been asked for quite some time if I had a blog. So now - I can say Yes!
Come back often as I will post blogs frequently . . . the "real" life experiences I witness - or have in the Lord.
Hugs and Blessings to you,
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